culturecapital (2018-)
created by Milton Lim and Patrick Blenkarn
For more information about this project or to request a deck of your own, please visit:
culturecapital is a trading card game and performance project about the Canadian performing arts economy. Since 2018, the work has involved collected public funding data and holding interviews with artists across Canada in order to produce region-specific versions of a competitive card game. Tournaments are held in which artists and public alike are able to compete for a cash prize of public funding.
Since the 2020 lockdowns, the game has also had a regular online game night on HowlRound.TV where a curated roster of competitors compete for additional funding.
A book about the project is scheduled to be published by Playwrights Canada Press in 2025.
culturecapital has received development and residency support from Boca del Lupo (Vancouver), Impulse Theatre (Victoria), Azimuth Theatre (Edmonton), SummerWorks (Toronto), and Darling Foundry (Montreal); additional gear support has been generously provided by Electric Company Theatre (Vancouver). culturecapital:online was developed with the support of HowlRound Theatre Commons (Boston), The National Theatre School (Montreal), and SummerWorks (Toronto) as part of the SummerWorks Lab.